Monday, July 23, 2007

Largest WiFi Network in the World will be in West Bengal, India

Move over Philadelphia and San Francisco; the worlds largest Wi-Fi network is being built right here in India.
It has been reported in Biztech India (among other media) that "smartBridges-SREI To Set Up Wi-Fi Network In WB, India". The article goes on to state that:
smartBridges and SREI have announced an alliance to provide low-cost technology enabled Common Service Centres (CSCs) in West Bengal, India. smartBridges will provide the wireless infrastructure to set up 4937 CSCs in 14 districts of West Bengal while SREI will manage these centres and develop a self-sustaining business model.
This is bigger than muni-wireless; this is state-wide wireless! What is more interesting is that the article further goes on to explain how the network will be used:
These CSCs will serve as a revenue tool for village entrepreneurs as well as several self help groups. While providing additional employment, services like VoIP, eEducation, eMedicine and other technology based solutions will also be implemented to improve the quality of life of the rural population.
This is a classic example of how Wireless technologies can and are being used to bridge the so-called "Digital Divide". It has always been emphasized that Wi-Fi is not just about providing Internet connectivity which is a by itself a natural by-product. With Wi-Fi so much more can be achieved. It is common knowledge that the incumbent telcos including the state owned ones have miserably failed in their obligations to provide connectivity in the rural areas. Instead, they are comfortable giving a percentage of their revenues to a fund known as the USO (Universal Services Obligation) fund. This is become a joke because the fund has now grown to a few billion dollars which is what could have been used to provide the connectivity in the first place. Hence these initiatives are part of the Indian Governments attempts at spending the billions that have accumulated over a period. The West Bengal project will slowly be replicated across this vast country. Though we will not have a massive Wi-Fi cloud over any state or even a district (The connectivity model in these cases is mostly point-to-multipoint) which is fine, since we dont expect every rural Indian to be toting a laptop or other computing device. What is more important is that with back-haul reaching the CSC at every village, the village level entrepreneur can set up his own profit-earning hotspot with business models like the "Tomizone" model.
There are other parties which are experimenting with wireless technologies like 700 Mhz Wireless DOCSIS (equipment by Axcera/VCOM), WiMax and so on.
India is the right place to be if one is in the wireless business!

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